Students Advice - A Data-Driven Approach
With the increasing number of students in higher education, students drop-out or students failure becomes a problem concerning a greater number of individuals and institutions worldwide. This problem can lead to diverse consequences: student dissatisfaction, impact on funding model and reputation of the university.
Universities’ primary role is to educate each student in the best possible way. With increasing cohorts and increasing choices of degrees and paths within each degree, one size fit-all recommendations are no longer suitable. There is a need to take into account the situation of each individual and help them navigate in the best possible way throughout their studies.
This project aims to exploit the data that universities have about the academic achievements of their current and past students, to devise algorithms and to build tools to
- identify the different paths that students follow in their curriculum,
- better understand how these paths influence their progress, and
- use this knowledge to help students who are in difficulty by providing informed personalized advice.
Variouss stakeholders are regularly involved in the project:
- Program heads
- Dean of Studies Department VI
- Data Protection Officer
- Digitization Commission
- Research Group 'Computer Science Education / Computer Science and Society' at Humboldt University
- Students
- Interns and doctoral students