Manal Faraj is a working student in the MAGDa team at Beuth University of Applied Science. She has a bachelor degree in media computer science and has already worked in several student projects.
- Routing in graph-bases using Dijkstra's and A* algorithm
- detection of misspelled words adapting a Trigram2Vec neural network using DeepLearning4J
- development of a web application Get-A-bike using JBoss Seam
- development of a content management system using Java content repository specification
Within the ExCELL project she is working on optimizing the routing for the Dresden traffic management system VAMOS using Graphhopper engine allowing adaptive navigation. Her master thesis is focussed on traffic forecasting using an LSTM neural network with DeepLearning4J.
Manal enjoys being a mom and spends her spare time with her little ones playing bowling or baking and decorating cakes.
Java, IntelliJ, DeepLearning4J, ND4j, Neo4j, Graphhopper