The Summer School´s focus was on energy efficiency in buildings and on imparting practical knowledge on the application of modern concepts, materials, renewable forms of energy and energy efficiency technologies in buildings. Through the combination of lectures, excursions and practical exercises in the laboratories of the Berliner Hochschule für Technik, practical knowledge focused on action competence was imparted. The excursions to companies and visits to energy-efficient buildings and facilities serve in particular to impart interdisciplinary knowledge to students.

Almost all technology options that are applied in practice were covered. In addition to the technology-specific approach, cross-technological aspects were also taught, such as the introduction to calculation and simulation software.

The practical exercises also had positive intercultural and team-promoting effects beyond the pure technical application knowledge, in that the participants jointly searched for solutions and contributed their various experiences.

At the beginning of the Summer School, students introduced themselves to each other and their countries. During the first few days, the participants became familiar with the cultural conditions in Germany and Turkey. Conversely, the participants also reported about their own social and professional background.


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