From 28 September 2020 to 9 October 2020, the 3rd Summer School on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2020 took place in an online format.
Despite the corona crisis, this event for exchange between students from different countries was very successful. Due to the virtual changeover, there was even the possibility to accept more participants from more countries. A total of 51 students and doctoral candidates from Brazil (4 different universities), Turkey, South Korea, Mexico (2 universities), Chile and Germany took part in the event plus supervisors from the individual universities.
Funded by the DAAD, the Summer School 2020 was organised by the Institute of Distance Learning and the Department IV - Architecture and Building Services of the Beuth University of Applied Sciences in partnership with the Brazilian Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade La Salle and Universidade Federal Fluminense and the Middle East Technology University from Turkey.
During the two weeks, presentations on techniques and solutions for energy efficiency in construction were given by international experts. This served as preparation for the project task for the participants. 11 international student groups worked on the design of a campus pavilion, which the groups were to design for one of the locations of the participating universities.
In the end there were two winning teams and two second places. The winning teams were 4motion_Ankara (Gizem Nur, Hatice, Hafize Büsra, Gülin) and ARA_Niterói (Maria Rosária, Vinicius, Laura, Victor). The teams GraGs_Niterói (Anna Letícia, Bárbara, Lídia, Geraldo Henrique, Seth) and Convés_Niterói (Vinicius, Juliana, Fábio, Jordhanna, Luiza) took the second place. The teams were awarded with 200€ and 100€ as prize money respectively.
The results of the group work as well as the active participation and exchange during the lectures (some of which were held with very large time difference) were extremely impressive.
Thanks to all the organisers who, despite the challenge, have organised a great event.
We are looking forward to the next Summer School in 2021!
Group projects

Gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts (AA)