Dr. Anna Sarah Hüncke has been a member of research staff in the project "Ethical Mining" at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology (BHT) since January 2024.

Hüncke completed her doctorate at the University of Konstanz. She analysed migration practices and concepts of border and human trafficking in South Africa. Her doctoral project was funded by the DFG.

Before joining the BHT, Hüncke worked at the Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. She was concerned with Franco-German municipal cooperation on social, economic and ecological transformation. She was also involved in different (international) research projects (DAAD, BMBF) and worked in development co-operation.



Hüncke, A. S. (2023): Migration and Making an Income in the Context of 'Human Trafficking': Imponderable Experiences and Sense-Making at a South African Border. Heidelberg: Springer.

Ratzmann, N., A. Hüncke, J. Plessing (2021): "Dialogue: A Promising Vehicle to Steer Transformative Local Change towards more Sustainable Communities?" Journal of Dialogue Studies 9: 189-209.

Hüncke, A. (2018): At a Crossing Point: Negotiating Access to Spaces at the South African-Zimbabwean Border. In: Engel, U., M. Boeckler and D. Müller-Mahn (Hgs.), Spatial Practices: Territory, Border and Infrastructure in Africa. Leiden: Brill, 112-128.