Do you enjoy reading? Would you like to meet new people?
Would you like to take part in discussions about books and improve your English skills?
Then join our new BHT Book Club!
We will meet every other week during the semester to discuss books in a relaxed atmosphere.
You can also recommend books to the group and add your own topics. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Alexia Schemien (alexia.schemien(at)bht-berlin.de). You don't need to buy the book or any specific version of it. Some stories can be read for free online or you read them as an audio book or you buy other versions than the ones mentioned below. Feel free to use the version that suits you best.
B 023 (Haus Gauß)
When and what?
Time: Every second Thursday between 11.30-12.15 (bring your own lunch!), first date: Ocotber 5, 2023.
October 5, 2023
For this first date, you don't need to read anything. We will just meet for the first time and we'll discuss books/short stories in general. Questions we will discuss include: What do you enjoy reading? When do you read? In which language do you preferably read? Do you have a favorite author? You can also bring your favorite book and tell us why you think the book club should read it.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Alexia Schemien