Use of digital portfolios as a competence-oriented examination method in the foreign language area of universities
The BHT Language Team has been selected as a Fellow Team with the project "Use of digital portfolios as a competence-oriented examination method in the foreign language area of universities" for a Fellowship within the framework of "Prüfung hoch III Drei" (funded by the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft).
The goals of this project are ...
- to create portfolio tasks for language teaching (especially for ESP classes) at universities, which function as examples and can be used, rewritten and adapted by other teachers
- to create assessment grids and rubrics for portfolios and make them available to teachers
- to create and make available videos on the use of digital portfolios
- to build a network of teachers/scholars who are engaged in portfolio work in language teaching
- to introduce teachers to the joys and benefits of using portfolios in the higher education language classroom
- to embrace challenges posed by AI applications such as ChatGPT and use them positively and creatively in the language classroom.
With the help of fellowships, "Prüfung hoch III Drei" provides incentives for audit innovations: This is used to launch and network local examination initiatives at universities. The main focus is on the digitization of exams.
The first meeting of the Fellows took place at HFDcon in Essen on June 30, 2022, and initial ideas were given in the presentation below. Since then, there have been regular meetings with the other Fellows (exchange meetings or workshops) organized by those responsible for the "Prüfung hoch III Drei" Fellowships, in which the examination projects have been further developed.