Portfolios as a competency-based form of assessment in the context of post-pandemic higher education: opportunities and challenges

We look forward to welcoming you to our one-day symposium on "Portfolios as a competency-based form of assessment in the post-pandemic higher education context: opportunities and challenges" on May 12, 2023 at the BHT.
The portfolio is a form of assessment that combines autonomous learning, regular feedback and continuous review of performance based on it. Whether in pen-and-paper or in digital form, goal-oriented or including more open tasks, short- or long-term oriented, portfolios bring many benefits to performance assessment. However, establishing performance criteria and setting portfolio goals is challenging. In a recentproject, which was made possible with funding through a“Prüfung hoch III Drei” Fellowship(sponsored by the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft),the members of the BHT Language Centreare examining the use of digital portfolios as competency-based assessment methods.
Thisone-day symposium, which is connected to the aforementioned project, aims to provide a space for teachers and educators interested in working with portfolios in higher education as well as scholars working on portfolio assessment and methodology. Although primarily focused on portfolio use in language teaching, the symposium aims to promote an interdisciplinary exchange on the topic and therefore explicitly invites practitioners from all disciplines to share their experiences and in the long-term, to provide a sustainable platform for the exchange of materials, assessment criteria and to discuss technical possibilities.
To register and submit an abstract, please use the following form.
For further information about our "Prüfung hoch III Drei" Fellowship project, please click here.
To download the CfP for the symposium, please click on the PDF document below.
Berliner Hochschule für Technik
Luxemburger Straße 10
13353 Berlin
Haus Gauß, Room B 501 (on the fifth floor; please use the second elevator at the end of the corridor if the first one does not work)