The aim of this Erasmus + project (2019-2022) is to support students’ autonomous language learning in LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) contexts, namely business, tourism and technology. The project partnership consists of six higher education institutions in Europe which have been developing a range of online resources for students and teachers of English, German and Spanish to promote learner autonomy. These will include materials and modules for self-study and as well as training material for teachers to integrate into LSP classes. The materials developed will be available as Open Educational Resources. The following BHT staff members have been involved in the project:


  • <link sprachen team-und-kontakt hauptberufliches-team prof-dr-aleksandra-sudhershan>Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Sudhershan (Department I)
  • <link sprachen team-und-kontakt hauptberufliches-team dr-alexia-schemien>Dr. Alexia Schemien (Department I)


For more information, please visit the project website at: