Felix Gers
Felix Gers completed his doctorate at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) in cooperation with IDSIA (Lugano, Switzerland) in the field of AI systems (Recurrent Neural Networks with LSTM).
In a project on evolutionary neural structures at the ATR (Kyoto, Japan) he developed the CoDi algorithm to model this CA-based model.
At the company Mantik Bioinformatik he programmed algorithms for the automated screening of drugs for drug development.
In a computer game project at Bionic-Machines, he worked on the AI and a dialog system for avatars. Technological core of the project was a real-time speech recognition of the player (SpeechToText), its processing by means of the dialogue system and the generation of a spoken answer (TextToSpeech).
At the KI-Team Berlin he dealt with the automatic classification of 3D LaserScan data.
Since 2005 Felix Gers has been Professor of Multimedia Development at Beuth HS in the Department of Computer Science and Media.
Current projects and publications can be found on his Beuth university homepage.