We present a novel interdisciplinary project to develop a sensor-based Augment Reality (AR) system for individualized endurance training for elderly people. This distributed system supports interaction for users of old age and suggests individualised exercises by a therapist avatar. Based on sensor data acquired from the patients during training sessions the system adapts to patients individual training needs and thereby serves as a non-drug therapy for people with hypertension.



BewARe - wearable- and augmented-reality-enhanced movement and mobility training for promoting health and well-being of senior patients. Buchem, I., Kümmel, Ch., Ritter, D., Hildebrand, K. (2021). Joint Proceedings of Workshops IMHE 2020 and WELL4SD 2020, vol. 3046, ISSN 1613-0073, link

Gamification in Mixed-Reality Exergames for Older Adult Patients in a Mobile Immersive Diagnostic Center: A Pilot Study in the BewARe Project. Ilona Buchem, Susan Vorwerg, Oskar Stamm, Kristian Hildebrand, Yvonne Bialek. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021), pp. 139-146.link

BewARe - Sensor-based Augmented Reality system for individualized endurance training for elderly people. Kümmel, Christopher and Wesberg, Philippe and Vorweg, Susan and Stamm, Oskar and Steinert, Anika and Villwock, Joachim and Hildebrand, Kristian. IEEE VR 2019 Workshop - Applied VR for Enhanced Healthcare.pdf


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Contact at the BHT:

Prof. Dr. Kristian Hildebrand

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Villwock

Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem