BEEZ Data is developing a platform for the overall funding management process. This platform will standardize and automate the search for and application for funding by associations and other nonprofits. Furthermore, it facilitates the clear processing of grant applications and project tracking for foundations, authorities and other funding agencies through dashboards. The BEEZ Data Team consists of Peter Plötner, Rudolf Schmidt, Elisa Molena, Antje Grahl and Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Löser as mentor.


The myriad of funding opportunities and their individual application processes overwhelm the majority of charitable organizations, which have to concentrate their limited resources on their core activities. BEEZ Data enables the search for and application for funding in one place. Foundations, public authorities and other donors face the challenge of finding the projects with the greatest impact among many applications and then reviewing the success of these projects. For this, BEEZ Data offers an individualized overview for the visualization of application and project tracking data. The team is supported by the Berlin Startup Scholarship from the ESF and the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Business.


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