The founding team Pyramics from Thomas Fehn, Phillip Hempel, Johannes Radmer and Marc-Andre Scheu developed an optical sensor and an analysis platform to examine the buying behavior of customers and the advertising impact at the point of sale. The team was recommended by the BMWi program Exist Seed for funding. Alexander Löser is the mentor of the team.


Based on biometric features, the sensor provides an estimate of age, gender, emotions, and the line of sight of people in the field of coverage. These are anonymous metadata that can not be assigned to a person. Transmission or storage of images representing personal data does not take place. The metadata is transmitted via a mobile data connection to a server and evaluated there. Subsequently, companies have access to their evaluated data via the web analytics platform. The sensor will be used in market research, retail and in the out-of-home media industry. Concrete application areas are: age- and gender-related customer counting and cash receipt analysis as well as advertising effectiveness measurement and the determination of the performance of shop windows.

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