In the BERLIN ZOO project, the spatial long-term memory of first-time visitors to the zoo is to be examined. After their first visit to the zoo, participants are tested on a virtual reality memory task in the"". Further examinations then take place in the laboratory of the Department of Neurology after 1 or 8 weeks.

Research question:

Does long-term consolidation of a navigational experience imply a progressive transition from an action-related egocentric representation to a world-centered allocentric representation?


  • Berliner Hochschule für Technik (Prof. Hildebrand (PL), T. Schmelter)
  • Charité, Klinik für Neurologie mit Experimenteller Neurologie (Prof. Ploner, Prof. Finke (PL), Dr. Iggena)
Project start:



kristian.hildebrand (@)