Medical Allround-Care Service Solution (MACSS)
The aim of Medical Allround-Care Service Solutions (MACSS) is to develop the prototype of a novel patient-centered Smart Health Service platform in colloboration with science, industry, healt insurers, service providers, patient associations and the pharmaceutical industry.
[More on the homepage the Charite]
MACSS will sustainably improve both the physician-patient and doctor-physician communication. For the first time, data from cyber-physical systems will be integrated into routine treatment via a mobile bidirectional application. For this purpose, patient data from practice and hospital systems with cyber-physical systems and mobile applications are merged into the MACSS platform.
Innovative technologies based on main memory databases aggregate, analyze and recombine data for various information services. These cover the currently largely unmet needs for doctors, patients, health insurance, research or pharmaceutical industry. Personalized real-time therapy offers the potential for massive savings in life
Health system. To protect the sensitive patient data, an already approved prototype security and authorization concept is available.
The cooperation of the various partners and the networking of the medical data areas opens up new business fields in the healthcare market. The exemplary innovations of MACSS services in telemedicine enable high cost savings for the German and European economies.
The Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) works in MACSS primarily on the research of mining processes in main memory (shared memory and many core architectures), i. interactive methods for linking relational and text-based data. Our interest as a university also includes the further development of our INDREX system and deep learning methods, such as LSTMs, and their testing in medical applications and applications for the patient.
Contact Persons: Alexander Löser, Felix Gers and Petra Sauer
Das BMWi hat das Projekt für eine Förderung im Program Smart Service Welt empfohlen, geplanter Start ist Q1/2016.
Partners: Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin (Ltg.); German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH; SAP SE, Potsdam; BHT College, DATEXIS; Dosing GmbH; smartpatient gmbh
Associated Partners: Apple GmbH; AOK Nordost; Techniker Krankenkasse Berlin-Brandenburg; Bundesverband Niere e.V.; Astellas Pharma; Bosch und Sohn GmbH & Co KG; Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V.; Medivision AG; Pfizer Deutschland; Chiesi GmbH